Learn More About AI

Get informed now so you can prepare for the worst.

Now that you have a very high-level view of what modern AI works and how it might threaten your economic survival, you can go a bit further into the rabbit hole without getting lost. Understanding the threat you're facing is the first step towards making sure you can survive and thrive in a rapidly changing world.

However, I don't want this particular book to get bogged down in such a deep, complex subject. Instead, I'm going to give you some learning materials and I expect you to go through them. You can't respond to AI appropriately if you don't have a baseline understanding of how it works, and these books and videos will help build that foundation.

It's also important that you don't just go through these resources and stop there. Staying on top of developments in tech is a key behavior in the fight to stay relevant in an increasingly automated world. It's easier to protect your livelihood if you can spot incoming trends that might threaten your position.

All of these recommendations are based on the assumption that you aren't already well-versed in the math and technology behind automation, so don't be intimidated if you aren't technical.

Read These

The Master Algorithm by Pedro Domingos

This is by far the best explanation of machine learning for people who are not involved in actually building machine learning systems. If you want to understand what can and can't be automated, this is an excellent resource.

The Future of Employment by Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael A. Osborne

This is a fairly long research paper about the potential impact of automation on jobs in the future. Like this book, it bases its assumptions about automation on the idea that we're just going to maximize ML – which still leads to some startling conclusions.

Watch These

The Rise of the Machines – Why Automation is Different this Time by Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell

Even if you don't want to read any books, at the very least watch this video. It covers why this wave of automation is not like the automation of the past, which is what I've been talking about throughout this chapter.

Humans Need Not Apply by CGP Grey

This is a 15-minute exploration of the economics and potential impact of automation. Another must-watch for anyone who's concerned about being automated.

A Friendly Introduction to Machine Learning by Luis Serrano

A gentle thirty minute explanation of the most popular algorithms in machine learning. After watching this, it will be easier to spot which types of ML are being used out in the wild – even in products you use every day. This video is more technical than the others, but you won't regret watching it.

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